Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mona Haydar: A Muslim Hip Hop Legend

"Hip hop is a tool for liberation...but it can also be misused for harm and disrespect" said the lovely Mona Haydar during a talk with HPU students on the evening of March 20, 2019.

As a female rapper, activist, poet, and mother, this woman stops at nothing when it comes to spreading enlightenment and understanding. One of my very best friends introduced me to her hit song "Hijabi (Wrap my Hijab)" back in the fall, and since that moment, I have been completely in awe of the power this woman holds at her fingertips and how she uses this power to spread awareness of the stereotypes that Muslim women and men face on a daily basis. In this amazing (and catchy!) music video, the Syrian-American artist is seen rapping about these stereotypes along with the challenges and pride that accompany their dress. 

Mona started off her talk by discussing a personal experience with judgment in public of her Hijabi dress. While this was a heartbreaking story to the audience, we quickly realized that this is a daily occurrence for what Haydar goes through every time she steps into the public eye. She then told us that a nice couple offered to "pay it forward" by buying her lunch randomly in an airport cafe the same day, which completely changed Haydar's attitude towards the judgemental public that she feared. 

These are the realities that Muslims face everyday. These are the realities that many different people of all races, ethnicities, religions, gender, sexual orientations face everyday. We have people worldwide who live in literal fear of exiting their front door to face the horrendous, demeaning comments from complete strangers. 

I have never woken up in the mornings dreading leaving my own house out of fear of comments or hatred from others. I do not know what this is like, and I don't want to pretend like I even have an ounce of understanding what this is like, because I absolutely do not. I have been privileged, and because of that, it is my duty to help those who do live in these shadows to feel protected, accepted, and supported by their fellow human beings. 

Mona has made a name for herself in the male-dominated hip-hop industry. As a Muslim woman, she has completely paved her own path to success and has quite honestly kicked ass in doing so. I have a huge passion in spreading diversity and awareness of hidden biases, and Mona's talk only inspired me to keep on pushing. I highly recommend checking out her music and following her journey! 


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