Monday, April 8, 2019

Social Media: the Positive & Negative Effects

As previously discussed, social media can be both a blessing and a curse. After working for my Congressman this past summer, I realized how essential the Internet and social media is for communication in today's day, even though it does have numerous negative effects that studies have proven over the past few decades. Below, I will explore a few of the big examples of Internet frenzies that I believe have both positive and negative effects on the people who use them. 

-Positives: SnapChat is used to keep people in constant communication via photos and videos (and texting now, too). This truly is a revolutionary tool that has strengthened the communication between millions of people, especially with the feature of "group chats" via pictures. 
-Negatives: SnapChats disappear. That's the appeal of this app. Once you send a snap to someone and they open it, unless they screenshot it or save it to the chat, that "snap" is then gone..."forever." Because of this function, SnapChat has been used for many crimes, including horrendous kidnappings, bullying, assaults, robberies, the list goes on and on - all because criminals think they will not be caught, since their actions no longer virtually exist. 
-Used by age group 13-30. 

-Positives: Clout. People make MILLIONS off of one Instagram post.
-Negatives: Narcissism. Some people define their worthiness off of how many likes they get, or think that their life is going to end if they don't post enough pictures of themselves in 1 day. 
-Used by age group 5-90. 

-Positives: Hilarious and has a different sense of humor; great for getting updates on different happenings around the world since it is used to internationally.
-Negatives: Can scroll for hours...because it never ends. 
-Used by age group 14-90. Seriously, 90 year olds use Twitter. 

Those are just a few of my favorites...what are yours? 


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