Tuesday, January 22, 2019

My Favorite News Sources

Daily routine: alarm goes off - *groans* - rolls over to shut it off. A blinding phone screen lights up my tired eyes, as one of my 32 notifications reads, "TRUMP TO HOLD CONFERENCE AT 4PM."

If it weren't for the endless amount of news sources circulating throughout the world, my mornings would be a little less boring. Allow me to dive into why I value my news sources, specifically the following:

1) CNN -  Without even clicking my CNN iPhone app, I am notified of important happenings by simply looking at my phone (gotta love that Apple face recognition -- a bit creepy in my mind). As soon as my face awakens the screen, I can learn that a US man has been deemed a spy for the Russians, or that the New England Patriots are heading back to the Superbowl...again (as a New Englander, this notification sparks immense joy). When something especially ~worthy~ happens, CNN will consider it "BREAKING NEWS" and it will notify me immediately, keeping me in tune with the latest updates. Whether I'm interested in the new drama in the political realm or what Anne Hathaway wore to the Oscars, CNN has it all in one convenient spot.

2) theSkimm - Let's be honest for a moment - often times, discussions dealing with politics, economics, and international happenings can be quite confusing to understand and dissect. Luckily, two lovely ladies came together to create "theSkimm," whose slogan is "making it easier for you to live smarter." THANK YOU LADIES. The daily emails from this subscription truly is an easy way to skim the latest news without all of the complex verbage. As much as I love a long news story full of exciting details, whenever you're just looking for an easy-to-read snippit, theSkimm is your best friend.

3) Twitter - I almost felt ashamed to say that I used Twitter as an actual news source, but after thinking about it for a moment, I realized how much "trendy news" I actually do receive from Twitter every day. When I first open the app, I always click on the "trending" button to see what people of Twitter are ranting about today. Twitter is very useful in the sense that I am able to see what others, whom I do not know, are saying about big topics for that specific day. Seeing other's perspectives on certain situations opens my eyes so that I am not only seeing or hearing one side of every story.

4) Politico - While working for the House of Representatives (Congressman Peter Welch) this past summer, Politico became my favorite morning entertainment when I got to the office. We would all sip our coffee and catch up on what happened over night (which honestly can be a decade in the news-world). I believe Politico does a good job of staying neutral between controversies and not siding with either stance of an argument, which is why I enjoy keeping up with this particular source.

5) Buzzfeed News - Last but certainly not least, Buzzfeed News has been on the rise in recent years for being a competitve news source. While some argue that Buzzfeed is not credible or reliable for the most up-to-date news, Buzzfeed has been fighting this controversy by providing unbiased, easy-to-digest news sources. While I don't use this as often as some of my other favorite sources, maybe I will be using this more in the coming years.

That's all for now!

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