Saturday, May 4, 2019

Blog Review: Empowerment

I have been blogging since I was 14 years old, and technically even longer than that if you count YouTube as a blog platform. I was looking for an outlet to express my thoughts on a variety of topics ranging from my interest in health and fitness to my interest in bigger issues such as LGBTQ+ issues and civil rights cases. I didn't really expect anyone to actually read what I was writing, but then one day, one of my health posts went viral - over 31,000 views, to be exact.
This pushed me to continue to express my thoughts on my social media platforms, and when I found out I could have a blog during the class, I was ecstatic to use this as an outlet for my thoughts on news and social media. 

I use blogging as a form of empowerment, both for myself and for others. When I was younger, I set one goal for myself: live every day as a leader. While I did not manifest this mindset until my later high school years, I did know what I wanted to do, but just needed to figure out how to actually do it. 

That's when I found blogging. 

My earlier blogs focused on my new health and fitness lifestyle when I started working at a gym as a teenager, and through that, I created a separate blog to focus on my love of all things fashion and makeup. Although these were fulfilling at the time, eventually I became bored of myself, and didn't feel like my blogs were empowering others anymore, so I moved onto bigger things - topics surrounding actual issues happening in our world. 

This stemmed from a post I saw from a friend on Facebook one day. When same-sex marriage was legalized in all 50 states, this friend took to Facebook to express his thoughts. He did not agree with this Supreme Court decision, saying that it was wrong in God's eyes. 

A few months later, in my senior year of high school, I took a class on the Holocaust and human behavior, once again using blogging as an outlet to express my thoughts on this class while empowering my classmates to do the same for a class of such a heavy topic. 

In college, I eventually turned this blog into a new space for my gender studies courses, using my blog to discuss topics related to women in the social realm. These are where some of my favorite posts came from. 

Now, in my senior year, I am wrapping up my Media Law and Literacy course with rounding out my posts on "Let's Talk Freedoms." I have thoroughly enjoyed learning about different news media sources and the effect these have on our realm today. I hope to carry on my blog and to blend my posts with my future studies in law school and my work as I enter into civil rights law. I want to continue to empower myself by using my blog as an outlet while empowering others to think about different perspectives. 

That's all for now! 

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